Fries Tax Reforms

Written by Edge Lee


The Fries Tax, passed by Eleus during the 1st Semester would be shown as one of Eleus’s and the ROSC’s best acts, as it would be heavily approved and praised by the general public and also serve as a model for future decisions and acts passed by the government.

Even despite it’s greatness, the government has decided to reform the Fries Tax to serve the ROSC even better, with the reform being that instead of 1 fry per person, it’s 2 fry per person. This change doesn’t seem monumental, but it allows for more resources to spread per person, and allow them more access to fries, however this reform will take place next semester in order to allow transitioning for the reform, and not suddenly disrupt fries tax.

We can’t wait to see how this new reform would impact the current fries tax, sit with the general public, and also improve decision making performed within the current government.