- Every Quarter we have elections where we vote a new leader
- All Members are required to pay the fries tax
- No member shall take more fries than the limit
- No making the fries limit 1 or below
- No inappropriate content
- No physically hurting a member without their consent
- You shall thy not delete or vandalise the ROSC national Website
- Thou shall not break any rule inside the ROSC official discord server
- No rigging the ROSC elections
- No declaring breakaway states / Civil wars
- No spreading misinformation about anything about ROSC or an ROSC members
- Thou Shall not be allowed to vote if Rule 10, 9 and 1 have been violated.
- You shall not steal another members belongings
- No Mentally hurting a member without their consent
- No creating fake or false websites and discords of the ROSC
- No Racial abusion
- You shall not destroy any physical object owned by the ROSC or an ROSC member
- You shall not remove a member without the president, the senate and over 70% of the members voting for it
- No Being annoying
- No Yelling
- Being a sore loser is not acceptable in this group
- Do not Hesitate to follow these rules
Excerpted from the monkey man constitution of 2025
List of all punishments given from the corresponding number of rules
- Fake election is cancelled
- 1 week ban from fries tax
- Buy a pack of fries for the group
- Give 3 fries to each member of the ROSC for 1 week every time you buy fries
- 1 month ban
- 1 quarter ban
- Permanent ban
- Given any punishments that are in the server rules
- No running or voting for that and the next election
- Mandatory removal of the breakaway state
- 1 week ban from journalism of the website
- 1 week ban from voting
- 1 week fries tax ban
- 1 month ban
- 2 weeks ban and mandatory removal of the website or server
- 1 hour in the
Lankybox chamber
- 1 month ban
- 3 months ban
- 2 day fries tax ban
- The amount of fries you are required to give in fries tax is increased by 1
- The amount of fries you are required to give in fries tax is increased by 2
- Refusal of joining the group
Excerpted from the monkey man constitution of 2025